时间 | 演 讲 |
会议主席: 周晓芳女士 环保部环境保护对外合作中心 Ole Nielsen先生 联合国工业发展组织 | |
8:30~9:00 | 致词 ——陈亮 主任 环保部环境保护对外合作中心 ——姜风 理事长 中国家用电器协会 |
9:00~9:20 | 中国房间空调器行业HCFC-22淘汰管理计划实施 ——钟志锋 项目官员 环保部环境保护对外合作中心 |
9:20~9:50 | 部分发展中国家HCFC-22淘汰管理计划 ——Ole Nielsen先生 联合国工业发展组织UNIDO |
9:50~10:20 | HFCs削减提案和美国环保署SNAP项目 ——Bella A. Maranion女士 美国环保署 |
10:20~10:35 | 茶歇 |
会议主席: Volkmar Hasse先生 德国国际合作机构 胡少锋先生 联合国环境署 | |
10:35~11:00 | HCFC-22替代品安全风险评估结果 ——张网 博士 公安部天津消防研究所 |
11:00~11:20 | R290空调的产品研发和实践 ——韩鹏 部长助理 珠海格力电器股份有限公司 |
11:20~11:50 | 房间空调器中的碳氢制冷剂: 热物理特性和比较 ——Kyle Gluesenkamp博士 美国马里兰大学 |
12:00~13:30 | 午餐 |
王雷女士 中国家用电器协会 | |
13:30~14:00 | 采用R290生产线改造经验 ——张智 院长 广东美的制冷设备有限公司 |
14:00~14:30 | 压缩机对R290空调系统制冷剂充注量的影响研究 ——陈振华 主任 广东美芝制冷设备有限公司 |
14:30~14:50 | R290空调的氦检漏与冷媒充注 ——张果 董事长 爱发科东方真空(成都)有限公司 |
14:50~15:10 | R290冷媒充注及相关安全方案 ——王蕊 经理 上海申克机械有限公司(安科中国) |
15:10~15:25 | 茶歇 |
会议主席: 王雷女士 中国家用电器协会 Ole Nielsen先生 联合国工业发展组织 | |
15:25~15:45 | 基于HFO的低温室效应制冷剂最新研究进展 ——牛永明 经理 霍尼韦尔综合科技(中国)有限公司 |
15:45~16:05 | 碳氢工质对既有空调器R22的替代分析 ——余延顺 教授 江苏福瑞至环保新材料有限公司 南京理工大学动力学院 |
16:05~16:25 | 二氧化碳热泵热水器用转子式压缩机的开发 ——孙民 副总 西安庆安压缩机有限公司 |
16:25~16:55 | 采用可燃性工质房间空调器产品安装和维修安全操作 ——Rolf Huehren先生 德国国际合作机构GIZ |
16:55~17:30 | 中国房间空调器维修行业HCFC-22淘汰设想 ——胡少锋 项目官员 联合国环境署UNEP |
19:00 | 晚宴 |
Agenda for International Workshop on Alternative technology to HCFC-22 in Room Air-conditioner Sector
30th October 2012, International Conference Hotel Nanjing
Carita Hall at 1st Floor of LiJing Building
Chairman:Ms. Zhou Xiaofang Foreign Economic Cooperation Office of MEP Mr. Ole Nielsen United Nations Industrial Development Organization | |
8:30~8:50 | Opening Speech |
-Mr. Chen Liang | Foreign Economic Cooperation Office of MEP |
-Madam Jiang Feng | China Household Electrical Appliances Association |
8:50~9:20 | Progress on implementing the HCFC-22 phase out management plan in room air-conditioner sector |
—Mr. Zhong Zhifeng | Foreign Economic Cooperation Office of MEP |
9:20~9:50 | Summary on HPMPs for RAC sector in other developing countries |
—Mr. Ole Nielsen | United Nations Industrial Development Organization |
9:50~10:20 | Introduction on proposal of HFCs phase down and SNAP |
—Ms. Bella Maranion | US Environmental Protection Agency |
10:20~10:35 | Tea Break |
Chairman: Mr. Volkmar Hasse Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH Mr. Hu Shaofeng United Nations Environment Programme | |
10:35~11:00 | Result of risk assessment on alternatives to HCFC-22 |
—Mr. Zhang Wang | Tianjin Fire Research Institute of MPS |
11:00~11:20 | Study and practice on room air-conditioner based on R290 |
—Mr. Han Peng | Gree Electric Appliances, INC. of Zhuhai |
11:20~11:50 | Hydrocarbon refrigerants for air conditioning: thermophysical properties and comparisons |
—Dr. Kyle Gluesenkamp | University of Maryland, US |
12:00~13:30 | Lunch |
Ms. Wang Lei China Household Electrical Appliances Association | |
13:30~14:00 | Experiences of technical conversion to employ R290 in the RAC production line |
—Mr. Zhang Zhi | Guangdong Midea Air-conditioning & Refrigeration Co., Ltd. |
14:00~14:30 | Study on the effect of compressor for reducing the refrigerant charge in room air-conditioner based on R290 |
—Mr. Chen Zhenhua | Guangdong MeiZhi Compressor Co., Ltd. (GMCC) |
14:30~14:50 | Helium leakage test equipment and charge unit for air-conditioner based on R290 |
—Mr. Zhang Guo | ULVAC Orient Vacuum (Chengdu) Co., Ltd. |
14:50~15:10 | R290 charge machine and its safety measures |
—Mr. Wang Xin | Schenck Shanghai Machinery Corp., LTD(Agramkow China) |
15:10~15:25 | Tea Break |
Chairman: Ms. Wang Lei China Household Electrical Appliances Association Mr. Ole Nielsen United Nations Industrial Development Organization | |
15:25~15:45 | Latest research on low-GWP refrigerant based on HFO |
—Mr. Niu Yongming | Honeywell Integrated Technology (China) Co., Ltd. |
15:45~16:05 | Research on mixed hydrocarbon refrigerant |
—Prof. Yu Yanshun | Jiangsu Freeze Environmental Protection and New Material Co., Ltd. Nanjing University of Science and Technology |
16:05~16:25 | Research and development on rotary compressor based on CO2 for water heater |
—Mr. Sun Min | Xi’an QingAN Refrigeration Equipment Co., Ltd. |
16:25~16:55 | Good practice for installing and servicing room air-conditioner based on flammable refrigerant |
—Mr. Rolf Huehren | GIZ-Proklima |
16:55~17:30 | HCFC-22 phase-out management plan for air-conditioner servicing sector |
—Mr. Hu Shaofeng | |
19:00 | Banquet |
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