2012年10月30日-11月1日,南京国际会议大酒店 紫金楼二层和平厅
2012年10月31日 全体大会会议日程 | ||
上午 | 会议主席:王雷副理事长 中国家用电器协会 | |
8:30~8:50 | 致词 ——姜风 理事长 ——Mr. Roland Gerke 总裁 ——孙京岩 副总裁 ——付拥军 副总经理 | 中国家用电器协会 博世和西门子家用电器(中国区) 海尔集团 广东美芝制冷设备有限公司 |
8:50~9:30 | 欧盟相关立法 ——Mr. Thomas Koch 技术总监 | 博世和西门子家用电器(中国区) |
9:30~10:00 | 综述美国能源标准的最新进展 ——胡自强 博士 | 无锡小天鹅股份有限公司 |
10:00~10:15 | 茶歇 | |
10:15~10:50 | 欧盟厨房建筑一体化理念和标准 —— Mr. Frank Huether 秘书长 | 德国现代厨房协会(AMK) |
10:50~11:10 | 我国家电建筑一体化情况 ——徐东生 秘书长 | 中国家用电器协会 |
11:10~12:00 | 中国家电科技进步奖颁奖 | |
12:00~13:30 | 午餐 | |
下午 | 会议主席:徐东生秘书长 中国家用电器协会 | |
13:30~13:50 | 从概念到市场——色彩在家用电器设计生产中的管理与沟通 | |
——宋文雯 常务副所长 | 清华大学艺术与科学研究中心色彩研究所 | |
13:50~14:10 | 无线供电技术在家电上的应用研究 | |
——董秀莲 研发经理 | 海尔集团技术研发中心 | |
14:10~14:30 | 稀土永磁材料及其应用 | |
——胡伯平 高级副总裁 | 北京中科三环高技术股份有限公司 | |
14:30~14:50 | 粉末冶金在家电领域的应用 ——包崇玺 工程师 | 东睦集团 |
14:50~15:10 | 宝钢家电用高品质铁素体不锈钢 ——江来珠 副院长 | 宝钢不锈钢有限公司 |
15:10~15:30 | 抑菌铜CU+在家电中的应用 ——鲍 宁 项目经理 | 国际铜业协会 |
15:30~15:45 | 茶歇 | |
15:45~16:05 | 环保电泳涂料技术应用于家电领域 ——王琛俊 经理 浩力森涂料(上海)有限公司 | |
16:05~16:25 | 老年家电产品中的液晶显示方案设计 ——王 辉 工程师 河北冀雅电子有限公司 | |
16:25~16:45 | 鲁谷科技变频高效加热节电技术在家电用塑料制品加工设备节能改造中应用 | |
——刘忠诚 总裁 | 鲁谷(北京)科技有限公司 | |
16:45~17:05 | 家电低碳标准和发展 ——林 翎 院长 | 中国标准化研究院资源与环境分院 |
17:05~17:25 | 低碳技术实践 ——郭 宏 总工程师 | 广东美芝制冷设备有限公司 |
17:25~17:45 | 压缩机产品碳足迹案例分析与家电生态设计浅谈 | |
——张 莉 总监 | 上海天祥质量技术服务有限公司 | |
19:00 | 晚宴和优秀论文颁奖仪式 |
时间 | 演 讲 | |
上午 | 会议主席:张奎 开发部长 | 海尔电冰箱股份有限公司 |
8:30~9:10 | Fullmotion变频压缩机,助推家电绿色智能化 | |
——Regis Marques先生 | 北京恩布拉科雪花压缩机有限公司 | |
9:10~9:40 | 家用制冷压缩机设计的探索性研究 ——E. Biscaldi先生 | 扎努西电气机械天津压缩机有限公司 |
9:40~10:00 | 冰箱压缩机振动系统分析 ——储呈国 | 加西贝拉压缩机有限公司 |
10:10~10:25 | 茶歇 | |
10:25~10:45 | 近场声全息技术在压缩机及冰箱的研究与应用 | |
——徐建文 | 北京恩布拉科雪花压缩机有限公司 | |
10:45~11:05 | 压缩机启动器保护器备用保护系统(IBPS)的市场趋势研究 | |
——屈文然 | 森萨塔电子技术(上海)有限公司 | |
11:05~11:30 | 冰箱压缩机用电器部件的安全保障与技术分析 | |
——闫宸 | 常熟市天银机电股份有限公司 | |
11:30~11:50 | 低温冰箱(冷柜)研发的关键技术 ——晏刚 | 西安交通大学 |
12:00~13:30 | 午餐 | |
下午 | 会议主席:周小天 博士 | 德国博世和西门子家电 |
13:30~13:50 | 保温新技术在节能冰箱上的应用 ——朱小兵 | 青岛海尔股份有限公司 |
13:50~14:10 | PFMEA在节能电冰箱工艺技术上的运用 ——唐朝阳 | 杭州华日电冰箱股份有限公司 |
14:10~14:30 | 基于CFD的风冷冰箱风道系统研究 ——罗键 | 合肥美菱股份有限公司 |
14:30~14:50 | 酒柜内部湿度及影响因素研究 ——赵建芳 | 青岛海尔特种电冰柜有限公司 |
14:50~15:00 | 茶歇 | |
15:00~15:20 | 制冷展示玻璃门凝露计算及玻璃电加热膜功率计算 | |
——李阳松 | 海信容声(广东)冷柜有限公司 | |
15:20~15:40 | 汉高粘合剂在冰箱的应用方案 ——蒋晓峰 | 汉高股份有限公司 |
15:40~16:00 | 新一代低GWP 环保型发泡剂SolsticeTM LBA在冰箱中的应用 | |
——潘榕伟 | 霍尼韦尔综合科技(中国)有限公司 |
时间 | 演 讲 | |
| 会议主席:郭宏 总工程师 | 广东美芝制冷设备有限公司 |
8:30~9:00 | 节能变频技术 ——廖四清 |
广东美芝制冷设备有限公司 |
9:00~9:20 | 永磁同步电机温升研究 ——王鲁 |
上海日立电器有限公司 |
9:20~9:40 | R290旋转式压缩机最小安全粘度研究 ——周杏标 广东美芝制冷设备有限公司 | |
9:40~10:00 | PWM、S-PAM及PHASE电压联动控制技术在变频空调上的应用 | |
——刘聚科 | 青岛海尔空调器有限总公司 | |
10:00~10:20 | “动态驻极”静电介质过滤技术推动健康空调的发展 | |
——钟喜生 | 爱芯环保科技(厦门)有限公司 | |
10:20~10:35 | 茶歇 |
10:35~10:55 | 微通道换热器应用研究进展 ——陈江平 |
上海交通大学制冷与低温工程研究所 |
10:55~11:15 | 新型微通道换热器在家用空调中的实验研究 | |
——徐博 | 四川长虹空调有限公司 | |
11:15~11:35 | 7mm单排换热器不同片宽数值与实验研究 | |
——赵夫峰 | 广东美的制冷设备有限公司 | |
11:35~11:55 | 管翅式全铝换热器在家用空调器上的应用研究 | |
——王冠新 | 江苏春兰制冷设备股份有限公司 | |
11:55~12:15 | 铝制换热器的耐腐蚀性探讨 ——刘忠民 |
广东科龙空调器有限公司 |
12:15~12:35 | 金属PTC快速电加热器 ——倪彬 |
上海华族实业有限公司 |
时间 | 演 讲 | |
| 会议主席:鲁建国主任 | 中国家电研究院 |
8:30~9:00 | 家用电动洗衣机洗涤性能特性分析 ——许振刚 |
中国家用电器研究院 |
9:00~9:20 | 洗净率影响因素研究及在“3D变速节能洗”中的应用 | |
——时迪新 | 博西华电器(江苏)有限公司 | |
9:20~9:40 | 虚拟样机技术在滚筒洗衣机上的研究和应用 | |
——张华成 | 青岛海尔滚筒洗衣机有限公司 | |
9:40~10:00 | 滚筒洗衣机箱体两种侧板振动噪音特性 ——崔旭利 博西华电器(江苏)有限公司 | |
10:00~10:15 | 茶歇 |
10:15~10:35 | 汉高减振降噪方案 ——冯青 |
汉高股份有限公司 |
10:35~10:55 | 波轮洗衣机智能化功能设计与传感器应用展望 | |
——刘健 | 无锡小天鹅股份有限公司 | |
10:55~11:15 | 基于负载惯性的波轮洗衣机瞬态特性研究 | |
——冯国平 | 苏州三星电子有限公司 |
时间 | 演 讲 | |
| 会议主席:万华新副总经理 | 艾欧史密斯(中国)热水器有限公司 |
8:30~9:15 | 热水器行业产业路线图 ——李彩霞 ——曹明修 ——马迎昌 |
青岛经济开发区海尔热水器有限公司 美的制冷家电集团 山东力诺瑞特新能源有限公司 |
9:15~9:35 | 博世家庭空调采暖热水中心 ——罗元琳 |
博世热力技术(北京)有限公司 |
9:35~9:55 | 余热回收技术 ——李彩霞 |
青岛经济开发区海尔热水器有限公司 |
9:55~10:15 | 关于电热水器引用恒温恒流技术 ——沈赟 |
上海正克电器有限公司 |
10:15~10:30 | 茶歇 |
10:30~10:50 | 多能源智能系统在热水器中的应用 ——邵小荣 |
艾欧史密斯(中国)热水器有限公司 |
10:50~11:10 | 环保型发泡剂245fa在热水器中的应用 ——卢彬 霍尼韦尔综合科技(中国)有限公司 | |
11:10~11:30 | 热水器氦检漏工艺 ——张果 |
爱发科东方真空(成都)有限公司 |
11:30~11:50 | 太阳能平板集热器高效保温膜的应用研究 | |
——姜立军 | 海尔太阳能开发部 | |
11:50~12:10 | 跨临界CO2热泵空气加热系统理论实验研究 | |
——崔晓龙 | 广州市万宝集团有限公司 | |
12:10-12:30 | 空气能热泵热水器热气除霜方案研究 ——魏爱国 艾欧史密斯(中国)热水器有限公司 | |
| | |
时间 | 演 讲 |
| 会议主席:唐建荣 副总裁 博世家电中国区 |
8:30~9:10 | 厨房电器行业发展趋势 ——胡晓红 中国家用电器协会 |
9:10~9:40 | 西门子数感智控中心 ——夏朝阳 博世和西门子家用电器(中国区) |
9:40~10:10 | 食品烹调方式与营养的关联 ——胡小松教授 中国农业大学 |
10:10~10:25 | 茶歇 |
10:25~10:55 | 厨房电器建筑标准一体化 ——刘钊 中国家用电器协会 |
10:55~11:25 | 防干烧过热保护在家用大火力家用燃气灶上应用的综述和开发 ——张鹏 青岛海尔洗碗机有限公司 |
Agenda of 2012 China Household Electrical Appliances Technical Conference
30th October – 1st November, 2012, International Conference Hotel Nanjing
31st October, 2012, General Session Peace Hall at 2nd floor of Zijin Building | |
Morning | Chairman: Madam Wang Lei, Vice President China Household Electrical Appliances Association |
8:30~8:50 | Opening Speech —Madam Jiang Feng President China Household Electrical Appliances Association —Mr. Roland Gerke President Bosch and Siemens Home Appliances (China) —Mr. Sun Jingyan Vice President Haier Group —Mr. Fu Yongjun Vice Manager General Guangdong MeiZhi Compressor Co., Ltd. |
8:50~9:30 | Relevant regulations in EU —Mr. Thomas Koch Technical Director Bosch and Siemens Home Appliances (China) |
9:30~10:00 | Review of the latest progress on energy standards in US —Mr. Hu Ziqiang Doctor Wuxi Little Swan Co., Ltd. |
10:00~10:15 | Tea Break |
10:15~10:50 | Philosophy and standard on integration between building and kitchen appliances in EU —Mr. Frank Huether Secretary General AMK |
10:50~11:10 | Situation of integration between Building and appliances in China —Mr. Xu Dongsheng Secretary General CHEAA |
11:10~12:00 | Award Ceremony for Reward of Science and Technology Progress In Home appliances Industry |
12:00~13:30 | Lunch |
Afternoon | Chairman:Mr. Xu Dongsheng Secretary General China Household Electrical Appliances Association |
13:30~13:50 | Come into the market from idea——Color ‘s role in management on design and manufacture of appliances —Ms. Song Wenwen Executive Director Colour & Imaging Institute, Art & Science Research Center, Tsinghua University |
13:50~14:10 | Research on application of wireless power in home appliances —Ms. Dong Xiulian Manager Technique Corporate R&D Center of Haier Group |
14:10~14:30 | Rare earth raw materials and its application —Mr. Hu Boping, President Beijing Zhong Ke San Huan Hi-Tech Co., Ltd. |
14:30~14:50 | Application of powder metallurgy in home appliances sector —Mr. Bao Chongxi Engineer NBTM New Materials Group Co., Ltd. |
14:50~15:10 | Application of high-quality ferrite stainless steel in home appliances —Mr. Jiang Laizhu Vice Director Baoshan Stell Co. Ltd. |
15:10~15:30 | Application of anti-bacterial copper in home appliances —Ms. Bao Ning, Manager International Copper Association |
15:30~15:45 | Tea Break |
15:45~16:05 | Application of environmentally sound electrophoretic coating in home appliances —Mr. Wang Chenjun Manager HAOLISEN Coating (Shanghai) Co.,Ltd |
16:05~16:25 | LCD design in household appliance for the elderly —Mr. Wang Hui Engineer Hebei JiYa Electronics Co., Ltd. |
16:25~16:45 | Application of inverter and energy-efficient heating technique in plastic manufacturing equipment for home appliances —Mr. Liu Zhongcheng President LuGu (Beijing) Scince and Technology Co., Ltd. |
16:45~17:05 | Standard on low-carbon home appliances and its development —Ms. Lin Ling Director China National Institute of Standardization |
17:05~17:25 | Practice on the low-carbon technology —Mr. Guo Hong Chief Engineer Guangdong MeiZhi Compressor Co., Ltd. |
17:25~17:45 | Case study on carbon footprint in compressor and Research on eco-design of home appliances —Ms. Zhang Li Director Shanghai Intertek Quality and Technology Ltd. |
19:00 | Banquet and Award Ceremony for excellent papers |
Agenda of Refrigerator Technology Session
1st November 2012. Friendship Hall at 2nd floor of Zijin Building
Chairman:Mr. Zhang Kui Director Qingdao Haier Co.Ltd. | |
8:30~9:10 | Fullmotion inverter compressor promote the green and smart of home appliances —Mr. Regis Marques Beijing Embraco Snowflake Compressor Company Ltd. |
9:10~9:40 | Exploratory research on design compressor for household refrigeration —Mr. E. Biscaldi Zanussi Elettromeccanica Tianjin Compressor Company, Ltd. |
9:40~10:00 | Vibration system analysis on refrigerator compressor —Mr. Chu Chengguo Jiaxipera Compressor Co. ,Ltd. |
10:10~10:25 | Tea Break |
10:25~10:45 | Application and research of near-field holography technology in compressor and refrigerator —Mr. Xu Jiangwen Beijing Embraco Snowflake Compressor Company Ltd. |
10:45~11:05 | Integrated back-up protection system (IBPS) market trend analysis —Mr. Qu Wenran Sensata Technologies China Co., Ltd |
11:05~11:30 | Safety assurance and technology analysis on electrical part in refrigerator compressor —Mr. Yan Chen Changshu Tianyin Electromechanical Co., Ltd. |
11:30~11:50 | Key technologies for low-temperature refrigerator (freezer) —Mr. Yan Gang Xi’an Jiaotong University |
12:00~13:30 | Lunch |
Chairman:Dr. Zhou Xiaotian Bosch and Siemens Home Appliances (German) | |
13:30~13:50 | Study on new technology of heat insulation in energy-saving refrigerator —Mr. Zhu Xiaobing Qingdao Haier Co.Ltd. |
13:50~14:10 | Technology improvement for energy-saving refrigerator production with PFMEA method —Mr. Tang Zhaoyang Hangzhou Huari Refrigerator Co., Ltd. |
14:10~14:30 | Researches on the Air Duct System of the Air-cooled Refrigerator based on CFD —Mr. Luo Jian Hefei MEILING Co., Ltd. |
14:30~14:50 | Experimental Research on Humidity and its Influencing Factors in a Wine Cellar —Mr. Zhao Jianfang Qingdao Haier Special Icebox CO., LTD. |
14:50~15:00 | Tea Break |
15:00~15:20 | Calculation on thermal power of glass heat-film and condensation calculation of glass door in refrigerated display cabinet —Mr. Li Yangsong Hisense Rongshen (Guangdong) Freezer Co.. Ltd. |
15:20~15:40 | Henkel’s adhesive in refrigerator —Mr. Jiang Xiaofeng Henkel Co., Ltd. |
15:40~16:00 | Application of new generation low-GWP and environmentally sound foaming agency in refrigeration - SolsticeTM LBA —Mr. Pan Rongwei Honeywell Integrated Technology (China) Co., Ltd. |
Agenda of Air-conditioner Technology Session
1st November 2012. Part A of Peace Hall at 2nd floor of Zijin Building
Chairman:Mr. Guo Hong Chief Engineer Guangdong MeiZhi Compressor Co., Ltd. | |
8:30~9:00 | Energy efficient inverter technology —Mr. Liao Siqing Guangdong Meizhi Compressor Co. Ltd. |
9:00~9:20 | Study of permanent magnet synchronous motor temperature rising —Mr. Wang Lu Shanghai Hitachi Electrical Appliances Co., Ltd. |
9:20~9:40 | Minimum viscosity for bearing reliability in R290 rotary compressors —Mr. Zhou Xingbiao Guangdong Meizhi Compressor Co. Ltd. |
9:40~10:00 | PWM, SPAM, PHASE, and voltage linkage control technology using in inverter room air-conditioning —Mr. Liu Juke Qingdao Haier Air Conditioner Gen. Corp. |
10:00~10:20 | ‘Dynamic electrets’ antistatic agent filter technology promote the development of health air-conditioner —Mr. Zhong Xisheng AF&C Environmental Technology (Xiamen) Co. Ltd. |
10:20~10:35 | Tea Break |
10:35~10:55 | Progress of MCHX in HVAC Industry —Mr. Chen Jiangping Inst.Of Refrigeration and Cryogenics, Shanghai Jiaotong University |
10:55~11:15 | Experimental study of a novel microchannel heat exchanger in domestic air-conditioning —Mr. Xu Bo Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd. |
11:15~11:35 | Numerical simulation and experimental research on one row fin-tube heat exchanger —Mr. Zhao Fufeng Guangdong Midea Refrigeration Equipment Co., Ltd. |
11:35~11:55 | Application research on fin tube aluminium exchanger used for room air conditioners —Mr. Wang Guanxin Jiangshu Chunlan Refrigerating Equipment Stock Co., LTD. |
11:55~12:15 | Discuss on aluminous heat exchanger for its corrosion resistance —Mr. Liu Zhongmin Guangdong Kelon Air Conditioner Co.,Ltd. |
12:15~12:35 | Metal PTC electric heater —Mr. Ni Bin Shanghai Huazu Industry Co., Ltd. |
Agenda of Washing Machine Technology Session
1st November 2012. Lilac Hall at 2nd floor of Zijin Building
Chairman:Mr. Lu Jianguo China Household Electric Appliance Research Institute | |
8:30~9:00 | Characteristic analysis about washing performance of electrical washing machine —Mr. Xu Zhengang China Household Electric Appliance Research Institute |
9:00~9:20 | Investigation of influence factors to washing ability and the application on “Vario Perfect” functions —Mr. Shi Dixin BSH (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd. |
9:20~9:40 | Research and application on virtual prototyping technology in the front loading washing machine —Mr. Zhang Huacheng Qingdao Haier Drum Washing Machine Co. |
9:40~10:00 | Vibration and noise characters between two side-boards in front loading washing machine —Mr. Cui Xuli BSH (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd. |
10:00~10:15 | Tea Break |
10:15~10:35 | Henkel’s solution to reduce noise in washing machine —Mr. Feng Qing Henkel Co., Ltd. |
10:35~10:55 | An outlook on functional design of intelligent pulsator washing machine and application of sensor to it —Mr. Liu Jian Wuxi Little Swan Co., Ltd. |
10:55~11:15 | The Transient Vibration Research of the Top Loading Washing Machine Based on Loads Inertia —Mr. Feng Guoping Suzhou Samsung Electronics Company |
Agenda of Water Heater Technology Session
1st November 2012. Jade Hall at 1st floor of Zijin Building
Chairman: Mr. Wan Huaxin Vice Manager General A.O.Smith(China)Water Heater Co., Ltd. | |
8:30~9:15 | Technology road map for water heater industry —Ms. Li Caixia Qingdao Economic and Technology Development District Haier Water Heater Co. Ltd. —Mr. Cao Mingxiu Midea Air-conditioning & Refrigeration Group —Mr. Ma Yingchang Shandong Linuo Paradigma Co., Ltd. |
9:15~9:35 | Heating and water supply integrated product of Bosch —Ms. Luo Yuanlin Bosch Thermotechnology (Beijing) Co., Ltd. |
9:35~9:55 | Technology of waste heat recovery —Ms. Li Caixia Qingdao Economic and Technology Development District Haier Water Heater Co. Ltd. |
9:55~10:15 | Steady temperature and constant flow technology in electrical water-heater —Mr. Shen Yun Shanghai Rogo Appliances Co., Ltd. |
10:15~10:30 | Tea Break |
10:30~10:50 | Multi-energy intelligence system in the application of the water heater —Mr. Shao Xiaorong A.O.Smith(China)Water Heater Co., Ltd. |
10:50~11:10 | Application of HFC245fa as foaming agent in water-heater —Mr. Lu Bin Honeywell Integrated Technology (China) Co., Ltd. |
11:10~11:30 | Process for helium leakage test for water-heater —Mr. Zhang Guo ULVAC Orient Vacuum (Chengdu) Co., Ltd. |
11:30~11:50 | Study on the application of high efficient film in solar collector —Mr. Jiang Lijun Haier Solar Energy Development |
11:50~12:10 | Theoretical and experimental study on transcritical CO2 heat pump air heating system —Mr. Cui Xiaolong Guangzhou Wanbao Group Co., Ltd. |
12:10-12:30 | Research on defrost by heat-air in air-source heat pump water-heater —Mr. Wei Aiguo A.O.Smith(China)Water Heater Co.,Ltd. |
Agenda of Kitchen Appliances Technology Session
1st November 2012. Magnolia Hall at 2nd floor of Zijin Building
Chairman:Mr. Tang Jianrong Vice President Bosch Home Appliances (China) | |
8:30~9:10 | Overview on development of kitchen appliances —Ms. Hu Xiaohong China Household Electrical Appliances Association |
9:10~9:40 | Cooking appliances with “Digi” intelligent control —Mr. Xiao Zhaoyang Bosch and Siemens Home Appliances (China) |
9:40~10:10 | Relationship between cooking style and nutrition —Prof. Hu Xiaosong China Agricultural University |
10:10~10:25 | Tea Break |
10:25~10:55 | Integration between building and kitchen appliances in China —Ms. Liu Zhao China Household Electrical Appliances Association |
10:55~11:25 | Dry burning preventing overheating protection in the firepower of household gas stove application and Development Research —Mr. Zhang Peng Qingdao Haier dishwasher Co., Ltd. |
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